ABC's of First Grade

The ABC's of First Grade
Important Information for Parents

Attendance- Your child’s regular and prompt attendance at school is crucial to his/her success. I can’t emphasize this enough! Many learning activities in our classroom are group oriented and involve interaction with classmates. Therefore, it is nearly impossible to make up work at home. Please view school as a priority and see to it that your child attends school daily, except in cases of illness or injury.

Birthdays- Birthdays are very special days for all students. In our classroom we will honor each child's birthday with a special birthday prize. 

Book Orders- Each month I will be sending home book club lub flyers from Scholastic. I typically send home a variety of flyers. If you are interested in ordering items from any of these flyers you can order online using the class activation code or you can send in a check made payable to Scholastic. You do not need to write separate checks for each flyer. Simply write one check for the total amount. Please do not send in cash.

Children's Belongings- It is a good idea to label as many of your child's belongings as possible. Our lost and found boxes are sometimes overflowing.

Dismissal- If you plan to pick up a child that normally rides the bus you must send in a written note. Do not rely on your child to tell me this information as children can often become confused and relay messages incorrectly. If no written note is received, your child will be sent home by his/her usual method of transportation. Also, please do not email any changes in transportation, as the message may not be received before dismissal time.

Email- If you need to reach me at school, you may e-mail me at I check my e-mail periodically throughout the day. However, please do not send an email indicating a change in dismissal plans for your child. I may not get the email before dismissal time.

Field Trips- We may be going on field trips this year. I will be asking for chaperones to join us. After I have received all permission slips chaperones will be chosen. If there are more volunteers than needed, I will put all names in hat. I will notify you if your name was chosen or not.

Guided Reading- Guided reading is a very important part of the first grade curriculum. Guided reading is the context in which children will be learning reading strategies in a small group setting. After reading a carefully selected text, your child will have the opportunity to bring home and share the book read in the guided reading session. This is a great opprotunity for your child to "show off" his/her reading abilities.

Homework- Yes, we do have homework in first grade. Homework is an integral part of first grade, as it reinforces skills taught in school and fosters responsibility. Homework will be sent home daily in your child’s O.W.L. folder. Your child should complete the homework and return it the next day in the folder.
        You can support your child by establishing a homework routine. Be sure that your child has a well-lit area that is free of distractions. Also, be sure to check over your child’s homework each night to be sure that it is complete and accurate.

I-Care Rules- We follow the "I-Care Rules" at Robinson School. The rules state:
                          1. We listen to each other.
                          2. Hands are for helping, not hurting.
                          3. We use I-Care Language.
                          4. We care about each other's feelings.
                          5. We are responsible for what we say and do.

The children will be spending time at the beginning of the year learning about the I-Care Rules and will practice them throughout the year.

Journals- We will be using writing journals and poetry journals in first grade.

"Kids Who Care"- When a child is "caught" using the I-Care Rules he/she may receive an "I-Care Coupon". Each Friday, Mrs. Arvidson calls down all the "Kids Who Care" to her office to get a special reward.

Library- Each week we will have a scheduled library time. In first grade the children are allowed to take out 2 books each week. Please help your child remember to bring back the 2 books on library day so that he/she may take out 2 more!

Math- We use the Everyday Math program in first grade. For more information about this program, and for online resources, click on the math link on the First Grade Teachers homepage. You can also click on the math link on my homepage as well.

Medicine- All medicine will be administered in the nurse's office. This includes cough drops!

Milk- Milk is available to students for snack. The money is deducted from your child's lunch account.

Newsletters- Each month you will receive a newsletter from the First Grade Team. This newsletter will highlight the learning that has been going on, important dates to remember, and much more.


Outdoor Recess- Your child will be going outside for recess (weather permitting) each day. We will be going outside as long as the temperature is above 20 degrees! This means that in the winter your child must be dressed appropriately. In order to play in the snow your child must be wearing snow pants, jacket, boots, mittens/gloves and a hat. Otherwise, your child will have to remain on the hot top surface. Also, please note that children will not be allowed to play on the playground structure if they are wearing flip-flops or Crocs that slip off.

Parties- This year we will be having 3 classroom parties. I will be asking for a small, one-time, donation to help purchase the craft materials needed. I will also be seeking donations of snacks and drinks as the party dates get closer.

"Peace-it-Together"- Our social competency curriculum is called "Peace-it-Together". You can read about this program by clicking the "Peace-it-Together" link under the "For Parents" tab on the Robinson homepage. 

Questions- If you ever have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. I can be reached at school via telephone at 978-692-5586 or via email at

Recess Club- As part of first grade your child will participate in Recess Club. Recess Club is a series of weekly, 30 minute, lessons that teach children friendship skills.

Relationship- I believe that a good parent/teacher relationship is key for maximum school success. Throughout the year I will communicate with you through notes, telephone calls, conferences, and email. I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at any time.

Snack- Please be sure to send a healthy snack with your child each day. Daily snacks should include one small nutritious item such as crackers, fruit, or yogurt and a drink. Milk is available for purchase for snack. Please note that our classroom is “nut free”. Snacks that contain nuts cannot be consumed in the classroom.

Toys- Please don’t allow your child to bring toys to school.  These can become a distraction in our classroom and are often misplaced.

Units of Study- We have many units of study in first grade! In addition to reading, writing, and math your child will have several science and social studies units.

In Science our units consist of:
In Social Studies our units consist of:
Plant and Animal Parts
Light and Sound
Famous Americans
Patterns in the Sky
Maps and Globes

American Symbols

Volunteers- Parent volunteers are an important part of the classroom. There are many ways in which to volunteer. I always need volunteers to help prepare classroom materials, chaperone field trips, help at parties, and more. I will be sending home a volunteer sheet at the beginning of the year. All volunteers must have a current CORI form on file with the office. CORI forms are only good for one year! 

Water Bottles- Children are encouraged to bring in water bottles (filled with water only) from home to keep at their tables. This will keep children hydrated throughout the day and will cut down on the need to go to the water fountain. Please be sure to send in a water bottle with a sport top. This will help limit spills if the water bottle gets knocked over.

Website- My webpage is a continuous work in progress. Throughout the year I will be adding/ changing the information here. Please check back often.

Wish List- On my webpage and on the monthly newsletter that you will receive you will see a wish list section. This list will indicate materials that our classroom is in need of. I greatly appreciate all donations!

EXcitement- I know it doesn't actually begin with X but I had to include excitement! First grade is an exciting year!

Year- Your child’s first grade year should be a year he/she will always remember fondly and one that creates a love of learning. There is an amazing amount of growing and learning in first grade. It is truly a wonderful year in your child's life.

ZZZ's- It is so important to make sure that your child gets a good night's sleep. We are very busy in first grade and we all need to be well rested!